
i truly enjoy my job.
i love what i get to do,
the atmosphere im in,
especially the girls i work with.
and i definitely do not mind working with my boss,
at all.
but...seriously, she has got to be the most...interesting (for lack of a better word)..person.
i have a hard time not laughing out loud when i'm around here,
she cracks me up.
sure, she frustrates me sometimes,
but hey...tell me what boss doesn't!
and, im so glad God opened this door...
i wouldn't give it up for anything.
(ok, MAYBE europe!)


I'm really struggling with what to do for my best friend's wedding.
(ha. thats a movie.)
I do not support her marriage.
but she is my best friend.
and she wants me to be her maid of honor.
last night, i was talking to another friend,
who isn't very close, but i know him fairly well,
and he told me that by me standing to the in the wedding,
that i am condoning the marriage.
he reminded me that when someone turns from truth,
and refuses to follow,
then they are an enemy of God,
and, when we have done all we can do,
we are to have nothing to do with them.
see, my problem is,
maybe this IS the right guy, maybe this IS who she is supposed to spend the rest of her life with.....
but this isn't the time, this isn't the right way.
but i've said all i can say...if she chooses to go through with the marriage,
she will know what i think...
but i also want her to know that i love her unconditionally.
jesus ate with prostitutes and tax collectors...
they were enemies of god...
can i not show my love for her through this?
because, her marriage is for good...
and i don't want to tear apart our friendship forever becase of this.
this is tearing me up.


Unknown said...

That's tough Mia! I do believe that being the Maid of Honor is a HUGE deal and you are being a witness that they both fulfill their vows to each other!

Dana said...

I would need to know more about why you disapprove of the marriage.

But with what I do know, God calls us to love in spirit and in truth. You spoke truth in to her life and all you can do is trust God to do whatever it is He is doing. He is in complete control...

There is a similar situation in my life right now. I told this friend that I love her no matter what. And I meant it. So, when she is having problems and I want to say, I TOLD YOU...I just listen and she thanks me for sticking by her.

I think this will provide you with an opportunity to minister to this friend, to be a witness for Christ and show His love, grace and compassion to both of them.

Hang in there love.